Intellectual Property Registration Services in Ahmedabad | Shahip

Intellectual Property Registration Services in Ahmedabad | Shahip
Shah IP is an IP Law Firm Based in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. We Provide IP registration Services Including Trademark, Copyright, and Patent Registration in Ahmedabad. Intellectual property registration services in India refers to the process of legally protecting creative works. We introduce ourselves as specialized Advocates and Attorneys in the field of Intellectual property Rights. What we are good at? 1. Expertise in Intellectual Property Rights 2. Strategic Location 3. Passionate and Experienced Legal Team 4. Comprehensive Protection of Intellectual Property We have a well-spread business scope all over the country. We are managing the IPR portfolio of various companies, more particularly companies in the field of Crop Protection, seeds manufacturing, educational institutions, construction, and land development. Contact ShahIP:-

  Block-A, 603- Shilp Aaron, Opp. Armieda, Sindhu Bhavan Road, Bodakdev, Ahmedabad


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