Reliva Physiotherapy & Rehab
ReLiva Physiotherapy & Rehab has a clinic in Baddi, Himachal Pradesh. They offer physiotherapy for a variety of conditions, including back pain, knee pain, stroke, and arthritis. ReLiva Physiotherapy & Rehab Combines traditional Ayurveda with modern physiotherapy techniques Offers a range of therapies, including manual therapy, cupping therapy, and ultrasound therapy Assesses a patient's condition and medical history before planning a treatment plan Specializes in orthopedic, neuro, sports, cardiac, pulmonary, pediatric, post-operative, women's health, posture, and geriatric physiotherapy . Residential Neuro Rehabilitation for In-patient Stroke Rehabilitation and Brain Injury Rehabilitation. People with Stroke, Spinal cord injury, TBI, Brain tumor and Paralysis can heal with goodness of ayurveda combined with modern techniques of stroke rehabilitation from ReLiva in the calm Shivalik Foothills of Himachal.

  Vaidyaratnam Vrindavan Ayurveda Chikitsalaym, EPIP Phase 2, Thana, Baddi, Himachal Pradesh 173205


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