Certificate attestation Odisha,Bhubaneswar is mandatory and necessary when you go to another country for purposes like higher education , job employment or visa etc. You have to attestation your educational ( ex- Degree certificate attestation Odisha, Mark sheet attestation, Wes verification Odisha , and others ) and non-educational document authentication ( marriage attestation Odisha ,birth certificate attestation ,Pcc attestation etc. ) to prove its authenticity .
HRD Authentication Odisha for all the Govt. approved Certificates issued by State or Central Government of India, Like SSC, SSLC, METRIC, HIGH SCHOOL, 10th, CBSE, HSC, PDC, PUC, PRE UNIVERSITY, +2, INTER, VHSE, BA, B Com, B.SC, BBA, BCA, BDS, BE, B.TECH., MBBS, CA, MCA, MS, MD, MA, M.COM, M.SC, M.TECH, ME, M.ED, AMIE, ITI, NTC, Engineering Diploma, Nursing Diploma, BSc Nursing, MSc Nursing etc…